Did you know?
The first mentions of Aromatherapy can be dated all the way back to 5000 years ago!
The history of aromatherapy is one that was found, tried and implemented as a healing method in different parts of the world at different times. However, the actual term "aromatherapy" first originated in 1937 when French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse invented the word after a burn incident spurred his curiosity about the healing power of essential oils.
On the heels of Gattefosse's "discovery" that lavender oil helped to cure his burn, French surgeon Jean Valnet used essential oils to help heal soldiers' wounds in World War II, proving the medical benefits of aromatherapy.
However, the Egyptians are credited with developing one of the first distillation machines to extract oils from certain plants like cedarwood, clove, cinnamon, to name a few, which were used to embalm the dead. Mummification as it’s more popularly known.
Aromatherapy, as we know it today which is the practice of using infused aromatic oils as a mood enhancer, is thought to have roots in China.
Even in Greek mythology, it claims that the gods were gifted with the knowledge of perfume and fragrance.
The Greeks also played a role in the history of aromatherapy. Megallus, a Greek perfumer, developed a fragrance he called megaleion, which consisted of myrrh. The "father of medicine" Hippocrates is said to have
practiced aromatherapy (before it was dubbed so) for healing purposes.
Essential oils can also be credited for the popularization of personal hygiene, when the ancient Romans started using essential oils specifically for their fragrance.
How Essential Oils Are Created
Essential oils are the naturally produced oils in different plants, spices, trees, flowers, and fruits. The oils can be extracted from the plants in various ways, depending on what plant is being used for extraction. Essential oils are estimated to be 80 times more potent than the dried form of the plant.
The most common way to extract essential oils from plants is through distillation. Plants are suspended over boiling water, where the steam from the water is used to pull the oils out of the plants. As the steam rises, it is captured in a vessel and pushed along a tube, then rapidly cooled causing it to condense back to water.
The essential oils that have been extracted from the plants do not mix with the water, and are separated and collected.
How Essential Oils Are Used
Diluted oils can also be applied directly to the skin as needed, allowing the particles of the oil to absorb into the skin and affected area. Oils can also be combined with massage oil and be used in aromatherapy massage.
Today, aromatherapy and the use of essential oils are being used all over the world by people for different kinds of healing and scientists have begun in depth studies on its multiple effects on the well-being of the body and the mind.