Mental health disorders like Depression and Anxiety are only increasing with time. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 56 million Indians suffer from depression and 38 million from anxiety.
Issues like depression and anxiety have become more and more common amongst the younger adults.
Sai Sankarsh of Panchami ( a sub brand of Sai Satya Siri Exports) took the task of battling mental health illnesses and disorders up to himself with the help of Aromatherapy. He believes that aromatherapy can aid in the battle of mental health issues greatly.
According to Brent A Bauer of The Mayo Clinic, aromatherapy has shown health benefits, which include:
- Relief from mental health disorders like Depression and Anxiety
- Improved Quality of Life
- Improved sleep
Panchami has dedicated itself to the Science of Aromatherapy to help combat mental health disorders.
Their Product Panchami Lamp oil has set the benchmark high for therapeutic essential oils.
A number of studies have shown that Lavender Oil has anti-anxiety properties and helps to improve the mood
With their wide range of Lamp oils, Panchami aims to help Indians who suffer from mental health disorders.
Hey i was looking over your shopify store and your products really stood out to me.
We look for entrepreneurs to feautre in major publications like CBS and NBC just to list a few.
We’re also looking to feature your products and the story behind them.
Would you have time this week to talk about it?
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-Feature My Brand
Hi i was looking over your shopify store and your products really stood out to me.
We look for entrepreneurs to feautre in major publications like CBS and NBC just to list a few.
We’re also looking to feature your products and the story behind them.
Would you have time this week to talk about it?
Thanks, speak soon
-Feature My Brand
Hi i was looking over your shopify store and your brand really stood out to me.
We look for business owners to feautre in major publications like CBS and NBC just to list a few.
We’re also looking to feature your products and the story behind them.
Would you have time this week to talk about it?
Thank you
Hey i was looking over your shopify store and your brand really stood out to me.
We look for business owners to feautre in major publications like CBS and NBC just to list a few.
We’re also looking to feature your products and the story behind them.
Would you have time this week to talk about it?
Thanks, speak soon
Hey i was looking over your shopify store and your brand really stood out to me.
We look for entrepreneurs to feautre in major publications like CBS and NBC just to list a few.
We’re also looking to feature your products and the story behind them.
Would you have time this week to talk about it?
Thank you