Sai Sankarsh D
Mental Health and Aromatherapy
Mental Health is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their own abilities, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to cope up with the normal stresses of life. In recent times, Mental Health related issues have been very normal. According to WHO (World Health Organization), around 450 million people around the world are currently suffering with mental health issues, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide. Even though treatments are available, two-third of the people never seek for professional help. Stigma, discrimination and neglect prevent care and treatment from reaching people with...
Sai Sankarsh D
Get a whiff of Mental Health
How often have you felt alone although you have lots of company, felt down or depressed, had little interest in doing things, felt bad about yourself, thought that you would be better off dead, had trouble controlling your worries or experienced repetitive upsetting thoughts that are unwanted? WHO estimates that about 7.5 per cent Indians suffer from some mental disorder and predicts that by end of this year roughly 20 per cent of India will suffer from mental illnesses. According to the numbers, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and another 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety disorders. Still, In...
Sai Sankarsh D
In india mental disorder is major problem of many people.There are many different mental disorders, with different presentations. They are generally characterized by a combination of abnormal thoughts, perceptions, emotions, behaviour .Mental disorders include: depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, and developmental disorders including autism.Depression is a common mental disorder and one of the main causes of disability worldwide.Depression is characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, tiredness, and poor concentration. People with depression may also have multiple physical complaints with no apparent physical cause. Depression can...
Sai Sankarsh D
Aromatherapy, the way forward
Staying physically fit is one of the most advised topics but what people refuse to acknowledge is that staying physically fit is not the only thing important for a person’s survival. In fact, mental health is equally significant for a human being. Anything regarding a person’s psychological or emotional well being is known as mental health. It is unfortunate that with the world advancing day after day and people being more cautious and aware about fitness, we still see a huge group of people affected and suffering from mental illness. India, the second most populated country in the world contributing...
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