Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. For example, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors. A mental illness can make you miserable and can cause problems in your daily life, such as at school, work or in relationships.


Mental health issues in India

In 2017, 19.3 million people had mental disorders in India, including 45.7million with depressive disorders and 44.9million with anxiety disorders. A survey by the Indian Psychiatry Society indicated that 20% more people suffered from poor mental health since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Evidences were found that women exhibited higher levels of stress. Students were also severely affected by the lockdown restrictions as they could not interact with their friends, had to adopt to online learning and the uncertain future.



Aromatherapy is the use of organic compounds (essential oils) to improve your mood, mental state or health. These compounds are made from various plant parts such as roots, seeds, leaves, blossoms etc. Evidences shows that chemicals in

the essential oils trigger smell receptors in your nose that send messages to the part of your brain that control your mood.


Panchami Oils is all about the Balance and Harmony of Body and Mind. It is on a mission to help their customers achieve the power of positive moments and the ability to heal. This company was founded by Mr Sai Sankarsh who has had first hand experience with anxiety disorders. These oils can be used in various ways: diffusers, aromatic spritzers, inhalers, bathing salts, body lotions, etc. Each essential oil has array of unique healing properties, uses and effects. They give benefits such as:

· Manage pain

· Improve sleep quality

· Reduce stress, agitation and anxiety

· Treat headaches and migraines

Here are a few essential oils: chamomile, rose, lavender, sandalwood, jasmine, peppermint, ginger and lemongrass.

The feedback given for aromatherapy is very positive and promising. Rachana says “I did the switch to aromatherapy a couple of years ago and ever since, I’ve never looked back”. Ruhi is so satisfied with the effects of aromatherapy that she says that she has to either start or finish her day by using these oils.


Thus, aromatherapy has received great feedback and appreciation since the last couple of years. Panchami Oils is a great way to start your aromatherapy process.

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